Nexus is helping to close the STEM gap

From Small Beginnings

“Nexus Pharmaceuticals was founded in 2003 by a female scientist who merged her science background and business acumen to help create a company that has become an industry leader in providing safe and effective generic injectable medications to patients who need them most. Since our inception Nexus Pharmaceuticals has been committed to providing women opportunities in STEM careers and promoting female scientists and engineers into leadership positions. As a female junior scientist at Nexus, you can see women leading several departments throughout the organization including formulation, microbiology, product pipeline, regulatory, and quality assurance. I am proud to help lead a company that truly values the importance of women in STEM.”

Ayesha Ahmed, General Counsel, VP Human Resources

The Problem

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been widely regarded as critical to the national economy. In light of America's ability to compete in the global economy, a number of calls to action have been made to strengthen the pipeline into these fields. Expanding and developing the STEM workforce is a critical issue.

As young women transition from high school to college, they are far less likely than their male peers to pursue a career in STEM. This critical moment can determine whether or not a woman continues down the path of a STEM career. Although women make up the majority of college students, they are still underrepresented in these fields.

The history

Looking back at history, it's clear that women have always been at a disadvantage when it comes to education and careers in STEM. Whether due to cultural norms or outright discrimination, women have often been denied the same opportunities as men when it comes to pursing knowledge and intellectual interests. However, times are changing and now more than ever before, women are asserting their place in the STEM field. With hard work and determination, the future looks bright for female scientists, engineers, and mathematicians.

Women Are Nearly Half of U.S. Workforce, but Only 27% of STEM Workers.

STEM occupations account for nearly seven percent of all U.S. occupations and STEM workers play an important role in America’s innovative capacity and global competitiveness.

Source Citations: stem

The Statistics

The progress

How is Nexus solving the issue by closing the STEM Gap?

Of our lab employees are women

35% Quality Control
52% Research & Development

Our Solution

Anita Sharma

Lead Formulation Scientist

How did you get into your field?

In my younger years, I had a penchant for science, especially biology. To pursue my bachelor's, I chose the field of pharmacy because it offered an interesting mix of basic and applied sciences. This course provided me with the foundation in subjects like pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, physiology, etc. Of all the subjects, it was pharmaceutics that appealed to me the most. I was really fascinated to learn about how different types of medicines (injections, tablets, solutions, suspensions, etc.) are prepared. Medicines are an important tool for any doctor. Without medicines, no doctor could treat the patients effectively. I wanted to contribute to society by being a part of the process that brings life-saving medicines to the market, which led to my decision of choosing a career in the pharmaceutical industry. However, prior to entering the industry, I decided to further enhance my education in this field and expose myself to the research aspect of it by pursuing a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 

What do you do?

The Lead Formulation Scientist at Nexus leads and advances the formulation development of parenteral drug products. Some of my responsibilities include guiding a team of formulation scientists on laboratory studies for formulation optimization and stability confirmation; facilitating scale-up by providing inputs for initial technology transfer batches and reviewing/approving documents for technology transfer; and participating in technical discussions. I am also actively involved in reviewing and providing documents to Regulatory Department for ANDA/NDA submissions. I am also responsible for troubleshooting at any of the drug product development stages and preparing responses to FDA deficiencies as needed. 

What inspires you?

For me, challenging myself constantly by setting bigger goals than before is inspiring. I strongly believe in this quote: “You don’t know your limits. Not before you push yourself to them”.

Dana Gebel

Senior Manager, Alliance Management

How did you get into your field?  

I found my interest in science at a young age and was lucky enough to have mentors in my life to encourage that interest to become a passion!  This passion encouraged me to earn a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and a Master’s in Pharmacology. Both have been extremely beneficial in my career in the Pharmaceutical Industry.  

What do you do?  

I am fortunate to have a job that not only entails scientific requirements but also includes understanding the business side of the pharmaceutical industry.  My main responsibilities include managing our domestic and international Contract Manufacturers as well as coordinating project activities with internal cross-functional teams at Nexus for production at Pleasant Prairie.  For the past three years, I have acted as a go-between for Nexus and our CMOs to make sure that the productions of exhibit batches are eligible for submission to the FDA and that validation and commercial batches are successfully produced to supply to our customers. And now I will get the opportunity to do the same with the Nexus Pleasant Prairie site!

What inspires you?  

Since working at Nexus, I have been inspired by my colleagues and mentors.  Every day at Nexus I see firsthand people going beyond their responsibilities to produce products that all of us can be proud of.  It is truly inspiring to work with people that are willing to give extra to make sure that anything produced with the Nexus name is of high quality, safe, and beneficial to patients.

Help us close the gap

Join us in our mission to ensure that critical need medications are accessible and affordable to patients.

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